Not a single feature improvement today, but instead a bit of quality of life improvements.

One of the great things about modern dynamic introspective languages is that it’s very easy to create a domain-specific language for a project like this, to make a scene description be less like pages of complicated code, and more like a reasonably fluent declarative description of the objects in the scene.

material :glazed_ceramic do
  color rgb 1.0, 0.8, 0.5
  ambient 0.3
  diffuse 0.7
  phong 0.9, 300
  reflective 0.1

shape.mesh :utah_teapot do |version = 'hi'|
  file "teapot-#{version}.obj"
  material :glazed_ceramic
  rotate x: -1/4r
  scale 1/16r

The top-level declarations creates methods on the appropriate classes so they can be called by reference later on to create the concrete model objects dynamically, and does more or less the same as the previous raw API code:

def setup_teapot(world, version)
  world << + "/teapot-#{version}.obj")) do |g|
    g.transform = identity.rotate_x('-1/4'.to_r)
    g.material = do |m|
      m.color = Color[1.0, 0.8, 0.5]
      m.shininess = 300
      m.diffuse = 0.7
      m.ambient = 0.3