Cache is King
Cut teapot rendering time in half with some clever caching.
Grouped shapes would transform intersecting rays by first asking their parent to transform it, recursively until the outermost group is reached. This caused a lot of unneccessary 4x4 matrix multiplications. Instead, the shape creates a cached world-to-local space transform by asking its parent for their world-to-local transform and multiplying by its own. Down to one 4x4 matrix multiplication per ray intersection test instead of the nesting depth of groups-within-groups.
Even worse, when transforming normal vectors for a hit recursively back to world space through all nested groups, there was not only an unneccessary 4x4 matrix multiplication, but also a vector normalization.
While I was at it I made sure that matrix operations on the identity matrix are actually no-ops, which shaved another 20% from the rendering time.
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Light and Magic
Made some refinements to lighting. Originially there was only a point light without distance falloff, which is not an accurate light model in any case. The light inside the room lights the entire world, all the way to the horizon.
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Day 36, Constructive Solid Geometry
The final pre-defined feature of the project is done, Constructive Solid Geometry, implementing the boolean set operations union, intersection, and difference for solid geometries. This way we can use the basic geometric surface shapes to create more advanced shapes, without resorting to approximating by thousands of triangles.
Day 33, Domain-Specific Language
Not a single feature improvement today, but instead a bit of quality of life improvements.