Threaded rendering
Shaved another 30% off rendering time by inlining and some more caching, but it seems like I’m reaching the limit of what I can get out of a single thread.
[1] pry(#<GlisteningRuby::DSL::Scene>)> render verbose:true
Setup time: 0.532384 s
Render time: 259.392946 s
Total time: 259.92533 s
There’s quite a bit of overhead, because Ruby doesn’t run its native threads in parallel, so we have to fork and return the result serialized via a file to the parent. This could probably be further optimized by not serializing as YAML, and reusing the render threads, but anyway.
[2] pry(#<GlisteningRuby::DSL::Scene>)> render verbose:true, threads:2
Setup time: 0.522643 s
Render time: 149.411224 s
Total time: 149.933867 s
This is the number of real CPU cores in my workstation.
[3] pry(#<GlisteningRuby::DSL::Scene>)> render verbose:true, threads:4
Setup time: 0.580056 s
Render time: 85.895065 s
Total time: 86.475121 s
Using hyperthreading quickly loses efficiency, but gets the CPU fan going.
[3] pry(#<GlisteningRuby::DSL::Scene>)> render verbose:true, threads:8
Setup time: 0.560456 s
Render time: 77.613168 s
Total time: 78.173624 s
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Super Sampling Anti-Aliasing
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Light and Magic
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Cache is King
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Day 36, Constructive Solid Geometry
The final pre-defined feature of the project is done, Constructive Solid Geometry, implementing the boolean set operations union, intersection, and difference for solid geometries. This way we can use the basic geometric surface shapes to create more advanced shapes, without resorting to approximating by thousands of triangles.