devember 17th — smooth actor movement
Actors will now move smoothly in the X-Y plane, and will find their own paths using the A* path finder. Also been playing a bit with ambient light cycles so there will be day and night, and longer cycles for seasonal variation of the day/night cycle.
Next related
devember 18th
Screen to tile coordinate transform when tiles have different visible height gets complicated.
Previous related
devember 16th — smooth perlin noise
Now using perlin noise for smoother random terrain map generation. Need better height map textures.
devember 15th — working A*
Working A*, and decaying debug highlight of search area and best path to selected target tile. TileMap provides the optimistic path cost heuristic, and Actor provides costOfStep between nodes.
devember 14th — brave attempt at A*
A possibly completely broken attempt at A, and it took hours — not *an hour.