Devember 2016 is coming
It’s time to start planning for this year’s Devember, and try to figure out what to code towards for an hour every day.
One complication this time around is that I might end up going to LISA’16 during the first third, and might be too busy with everything going on there to keep up with a daily coding routine.
But first thing first: what to do? Probably something game related. A CRPG on iOS maybe, written in Swift?
Next related
Devember 2016 Contract
I, Calle Englund, will participate to the next Devember. My Devember will be an iOS CRPG. I promise I will program for my Devember for at least an hour, every day of the next December. I will also write a daily public devlog and will make the produced code publicly available on the internet. No matter what, I will keep my promise.
Previous related
devember 31st — wrap up?
Didn’t quite make the promise of one hour every day, but overshot on the average instead. It was a fun experiment, and useful brush-up on old skills.
devember 30th — random spawning
Mobs randomly spawn, and soon becomes way to many for the engine to handle. Need to tune down spawn rate with number of mobs in play to keep the number reasonable.
devember 29th — regenerating health bars
Health slowly regenerates, and health is shown under actor sprites as a green->red color changing percentage bar vs max health. Randomized result resolution for attacks.